The new multi-purpose platform

CLEBER is the 2013 new born from Elber R&D department; it offers a powerful, flexible and modular hardware and software platform for broadcasting and contribution networks, where customers can install up to six boards with no limitations in terms of position. Based on a Linux embedded OS, the CLEBER detects the presence of the boards and shows the related control interface to the user, either through web GUI and Touchscreen TFT display. Two power sources (AC and DC) are always available; for the DC source, the customer can chose between 22-65 Vdc or 10-36 Vdc for site or DSNG applications.
Thus CLEBER can host any combination of boards, particular applications and use cases can be considered and described separately. CLEBER is the control unit for Elber's new portable link XPM; in case of transmitter control unit, the chassis is equipped with digital modulator (DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T), up-converter and, if needed, one or more encoders HD/SD (MPEG-2 or H-264) while in case of receiver control unit it hosts a digital demodulator, down-converter and decoders.
Multiple E1 and SMPTE-310 signals are now supported with several features like distribution, switching and multiplexing. Applications are multiple: you can design your own platform!
High-capacity Solution, DTT Network, Heterogeneous Transport, End-to-End Contribution

The REBLE610, like its predecessor, contains two hot swappable power supplies, both AC and DC versions are available. The modular approach has brought to the development of the data interface module (containing modulator, demodulator and data interface) and the RF module (containing Transmitter, Receiver and channel filter). From an RF point of view the new transmission circuitry is able to guarantee at least 1 watt at the head with every modulation scheme, introducing in addition, wideband precorrection (up to 1GHz depending on frequency band). Major innovations on the digital input side, two different data interface boards available: one is equipped with 10 ASI/BTS ports on BNC connector, configurable as inputs or outputs, so that it is possible to include the ASI distribution and ASI matrix capabilities in the same equipment; it also provides a GbE port for IP traffic, a 2048 Kbit/S E1 data channel (as an alternative to 2 ASI/BTS ports), and a "transit" connection (not to waste coaxial connectors); the second one is equipped with 5 DVB-ASI/BTS/SMPTE-310 ports (in or out) and 5 E1 channels.
To transfer all these signals the channel capacity has been increased to 56MHz and bitrate equal to 310Mbit/s; using an optional XPIC module (and an extra REBLE610) it is possible to duplicate the bitrate increasing it to 610MBit/s, exploiting H and V polarizations and cancelling undesired content using special algorithms.
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Registered in Genoa Chamber of Commerce, under the position N. 01070700107
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