Data SheetREBLE 610 ODU
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User ManualREBLE 610 ODU
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The REBLE610-ODU is the outdoor version of the REBLE610, from which it differs for the separation between the RF part (located in a waterproof aluminum case) from the modem, the I/O section and control.
The indoor unit or control unit (REBLE610-IDU) belongs to the same chassis of the REBLE610, which makes for a more efficient maintenance and an easier frequency modification which is always a difficult task; As for its predecessor, there is a hot-swappable redundant power supply, available both in AC and DC.
The modular approach has brought to the development of the data interface module (containing modulator, demodulator and data interface) and the RF module (containing Transmitter, Receiver and channel filter). From an RF point of view the new transmission circuitry is able to guarantee at least 1 watt at the head with every modulation scheme, introducing in addition, wideband precorrection (up to 1GHz depending on frequency band). Major innovations on the digital input side, the interface is equipped with 10 BNC connectors configurable singularly as ASI/BTS inputs or outputs, in this way the unit functions de facto as a distributor and ASI matrix both inbound and outbound. The Reble610 can carry IP traffic to/from a GbE port, an E1 at 2048Kbit/s (alternatively to two ASI/BTS input/outputs). A connection named ‘transit' has been introduced so that the entire baseband can be forwarded to another unit, in order to efficiently build an RTX couple (repeater style).
To transfer all these signals the channel capacity has been increased to 56MHz and bitrate equal to 310Mbit/s; using an optional XPIC module (and an extra Reble610) it is possible to duplicate the bitrate increasing it to 610MBit/s, exploiting H and V polarizations and cancelling undesired content using special algorithms. A new management software offers complete control over device parameters and settings, an on-board TFT touch-screen allows for a simple and intuitive user interface to check for anomalies. The same monitoring and control can be carried out thru a particularly easy to use web interface and thru SNMP.
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