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16042 Carasco (GE) Italia

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Via Pontevecchio, 42 W
16042 Carasco (GE) Italia




+39 0185 351333


Multistream DVB-S/S2 receiver


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Data Sheet

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Cleber is the 2013 new born from Elber R&D department; it offers a powerful, flexible and modular hardware and software platform for broadcasting and contribution networks, where customers can install up to six boards with no limitations in terms of position.

Based on a Linux embedded OS, the Cleber detects the presence of the boards and shows the related control interface to the user, either through web GUI and Touchscreen TFT display.
Two power sources (AC and DC) are always available; for the DC source, customer can chose between 22-65 Vdc or 10-36 Vdc for site or DSNG applications.

Thus Cleber can host any combination of boards, particular applications and use cases can be considered and described separately.
For satellite DVB-S2 contribution to transmitting sites in a TV or radio network, a multistream or single stream receiver is available; the XS4 board, equipped with one L-band input and four ASI outputs.

The receiver can be connected with any kind of LNB and it is protected against overvoltage. The DVB-S2 receiver features a very low end-to-end delay and reduced overall jitter even in multistream configuration (it supports up to 4 ISI simultaneous demodulation); all these features make the CLEBER-XS4 the best solution for distribution and contribution networks to feed TV and Radio Transmitters.

A very intuitive WEB interface lets the user configure and monitor the apparatus very quickly, without requirement of special software.

Características principales
  • Self-contained compact solution (1U RACK 19”)
  • Six plug-in slots available for any combination of boards
  • DVB-S/S2 Receiver
  • L-band input
  • Single stream and Multi stream
  • 4 DVB-ASI outputs
  • TFT front panel control
  • Embedded Linux OS
  • AC and DC inputs
  • WEB interface, SNMP v2 and GPIO

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